Below is a list of free business (and business English) tools, resources and materials for students and professionals. ENJOY!
“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.” (Joe Klaas)
π¬ VIDEOS:- WORK IT DAILY (Career management: job interviews, linkedin profiles, cover letter and CV writing, and more.)
- Linda Raynier (Career management: Linda Raynier is a Career Strategist, Speaker and Coach)
- Mind Tools VIDEOS (“Essential Skills for an Excellent Career” – 25,000,000 people each year use this site to learn and develop the management, leadership and personal skills they need. You can sign up to get unlimited access to contents, but there are tons of videos, articles, self-tests, quizzes and other tools for free.)
- THE BUSINESS OF ENGLISH (This 15-part series for intermediate to advanced English language learners looks at the language used in everyday business situations such as meetings, presentations and negotiations. Each episode only takes 10 minutes!)
- CRASH COURSE - ECONOMICS (35 SHORT, USEFUL and FUN videos on economics. Each video will take you less than 15 minutes!)
- Cambridge University Press ⇨ Business English (Videos: How to open and close presentations?, Decision Making in international companies, Talking about sustainability, Talking about brand name, Talking about supply chain management)
“The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.” (Coco Chanel)
πΌENGLISH FOR WORK: Articles and blog posts on career management, job interviews, CV and cover letter writing, finding a job, etc.
- THE BALANCE CAREERS (A comprehensive collection of articles on career management: career planning, job searching, interview and resumΓ© / CV tips, salary and benefits, career paths, etc.)
- Mind Tools BLOG (Posts on Leadership, Team Management, Strategy, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Project Management, Time Management, Stress, Communication, Creativity, Learning Skills, Career Skills and more.)
“Whatever it is you're seeking won't come in the form you're expecting.” (Haruki Murakami)
π― Business English Skills EXERCISES and RESOURCES:
- Business Communication Skills ⇨ GRAMMAR (Cumulative Grammar Test, Diagnostic A, Diagnostic B, Diagnostic C, Diagnostic D)
- SpeakSpeak ⇨ BUSINESS VOCABULARY & USEFUL PHRASES (English curriculum vitae, Telephone language, 100 Essential Business verbs, 100 Essential Business nouns, Stuart’s article: Qualifiers:words that help you sound more polite in a business meeting, email and letter writing, making presentations, marketing, and Business English vocabulary exercises + Prepositions in business emails and grammar and vocabulary exercises)
- BRITISHCOUNCIL ⇨ BUSINESS ENGLISH (This section will help you to improve your English for business and work. Watch videos, listen to audio and read texts with a focus on the world of business and work.)
- Businessenglishpod ⇨ All Business English Podcast Lessons (This is a complete list of all the Business English lessons published on Business English Pod, starting with the most recent lesson. Click on a lesson title to open the lesson in a new tab. There’s no need to sign up to access lots of resources, such as 925 English Lesson 22 – Making Requests in English, Skills 360 – Leading Group Decision-Making Meetings (1), BEP 32 A – English for Discussing Solutions to a Problem (1) (free access to audio + text), VV55 – English for Marketing: Product Management, VV51 – Financial English: Company Finance and Startups (1) and more!)
- BusinessEnglishSite ⇨ VOCABULARY TRAINING EXERCISES (General business English; Visual business English; Business English for beginners; General vocabulary; Sales, Advertising and Marketing; Accounting, Banking, Finance; I.T. & Computer-related business English; Medical English for doctors and patients; Other business English exercises.)
- BusinessEnglishSite ⇨ BUSINESS ENGLISH GRAMMAR EXERCISES (These free, online exercises will allow you to practice: prepositions, phrasal verbs, articles and verb tenses in a business context.)
"Always do what you are afraid to do.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
π§π WRITING EMAILS and OTHER DOCUMENTS: Useful phrases, tips, samples and models, error correction, etc.
- Business Email Examples (On this site you'll find examples of 17 different types of business emails. You can adapt these emails, and if you want to learn more about how to write them yourself, click on the link below the examples to do an online exercise.)
- SpeakSpeak ⇨ Making requests in emails and letters
- BUSINESS COMMUNICATION NOW - MODEL DOCUMENTS (Samples and models of routine messages; negative emails, letters and memos; persuasive messages; reports; cover letters and CV's/resumΓ©s)
- BUSINESS COMMUNICATION NOW - WRITING SKILLS (Lessons and exercises on a wide range of topics, such as Abbreviations, Adjectives and Adverbs, Articles, Cliches, Jargon, Slang, Comma Splices, Coordination and Subordination, Dangling Modifiers, Faulty Comparisons, Misplaced Modifiers, Parallelism, Pronoun Reference, Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement, Pronouns, Sentence Fragments, Subject/Verb Agreement, Verb and Voice Shifts, Word Choice, etc.)
- Business English Resources - Common Mistakes in Emails (Read the email excerpts. Each excerpt has one or more mistakes that English language learners make when writing emails. Identify and correct the mistakes. The answers are listed below the activity.)
- Business English Resources - Common Mistakes in Emails 2 (Read the email excerpts. Each excerpt has one or more mistakes that English language learners make when writing emails. Identify and correct the mistakes. The answers are listed below the activity.)
- Business English Resources - Common Mistakes in Emails 3: Collocation Errors (Collocations are
word partners that sound natural to native speakers. For example, raise
awareness is a collocation, but
elevate awarenessisn’t. In this exercise, the words in red are collocation errors that English language learners make in emails. Replace them with natural-sounding collocations. Potential answers are listed below the activity.)
“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” (Mark Twain)