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RECOMMENDED: Skills 360 – Business English Pod (More than Business English)

🔺IMPORTANT: This is NOT an advert! This is just my honest (and free) opinion. I've already recommended other interesting websites, tools and videos, and I'll keep on doing so in the future as long as I come across things worth recommending.

Why do I recommend this website? Simply because find it useful. Business Skills 360 podcast lessons provide essential tips and language for communicating in English, along with free transcripts, vocabulary quizzes and PDF downloads. (Lessons are listed on the website by the date published, with the more recent lessons at the top. All podcasts are free, and so are most resources though the latest lessons may require a subscription.)

💡Below is a brief podcast lesson overview:

PODCAST: Skills 360 – Levels of Formality in English (Part 1) There are different things you can do:

🎧You can click on the link above and just listen to the podcast:

💡Or you can use the free resources below:

You can also download the audio file or the pdf file, which includes discussion questions, a useful vocabulary list, the full transcript and an exercise + answer key)

💡Here are just a few podcast lessons:


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