📜READING PICKS – Articles, blog posts, quizzes and more:
From BBC CULTURE: THE REBIRTH OF BRITAIN’S ‘LOST’ LANGUAGES, by Holly Williams. Welsh singer Gwenno’s new album is in Cornish, which is spoken by fewer than 1000 people. It’s one of many ‘lost’ languages being reborn.
“A eus le rag hwedhlow dyffrans?” So goes the first track on Le Kov, the second album by Welsh singer Gwenno Saunders. But it isn’t Welsh: it’s Cornish, a minority language spoken by fewer than a thousand people. The line translates as “is there room for different stories?” – and this is the question at the heart of her record, which celebrates variance in language, culture and identity. (Continue reading)
From BBC TECHNOLOGY: Social media terms 'jargon-busted' for teens, by Alli Shultes. Technology reporter. A set of jargon-busting guides that teach children about their
rights on social media sites has been published.
Children's Commissioner Anne Longfield said Facebook,
Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp and YouTube had "not done enough" to
clarify their policies.
She simplified the websites' terms and conditions with privacy
law firm Schillings. But Instagram said the simplified version of its terms
contained "a number of inaccuracies".
slimmed-down guides are a response to the Commissioner's Growing Up Digital report, which found that most
children do not understand the agreements they sign when they create social
media accounts.
All the sites require
children to be over 13 to create an account. (Continue reading)🎬 VIDEO PICKS – Short and fun videos:
Learners' Questions:
How to use 'be likely to' (2:09 minutes)
- Learn EngLish Kids - Short stories - Isaac Newton (2:40 minutes)
- Why is laughter contagious? (3:46 minutes)
- How to make a mummy - Len Bloch (4:45 minutes)
- Blind People Describe Racism (4:30 minutes)
- What is Shrove Tuesday? (1:22 minutes)
- Changing your mind - 65 - English at Work helps you explain (3:16 minutes)
How to Wake Up Early - And Not be Miserable (7:39 minutes)
- 7 Signs of Emotional Intelligence: Which of these do you possess? (5:22 minutes)
- LOOK at these PHRASAL VERBS with "look" (6:50 minutes)
- Ten Minute History - The Early British Empire (Short Documentary) (9:59 minutes)
- 9 Things You HAVE TO DO the Night Before You Travel BESIDES PACK (8:31 minutes)
- My Guide to London | The River Thames (8:06 minutes)
- How and Why We Read: Crash Course English Literature #1 (6:59 minutes)
RSA ANIMATE: The Paradox of Choice (10:43 minutes)
- Hotel English - Using Travel English at Hotels (14:22 minutes)
- Madeira Island Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia (9:28 minutes)
- Metabolism & Nutrition, part 1: Crash Course A&P #36 (10:32 minutes)
- Metabolism & Nutrition, part 2: Crash Course A&P #37 (10:06 minutes)
Learn English - ALL or
WHOLE? (9:23 minutes)
- Quiz: All & Whole (Brief explanation: All or whole? From Cambridge Grammar Today)
- LIKE – LOOK LIKE – BE LIKE (Brief explanation)
- Fruit (Photos of fruit which you have to name)
- Vegetables (Photos of vegetables which you have to name)
- Sounds Animals and Birds Make
- Text Completion Exercise 7 (DRAG & DROP exercise)
- Text Completion Exercise 8 (DRAG & DROP exercise)
- Synonyms Matching Exercise 2 (DRAG & DROP exercise)
- Context Clues Worksheet (Choose the correct meaning of the underlined word)
💡 GRAMMAR PICKS – Assorted exercises and games:
- T067 - Present Tenses - Simple or Progressive
- T065 - Present Tenses - Simple or Progressive
- T058 - Present Tenses - Simple or Progressive
- Quiz: Question Tags
- Quiz: Question Tags 2
- Past Simple or Present Perfect?
- Gerund or Infinitive?
- Prepositions of time 1
- Conditional tenses (mixed) 3
- Quiz: Phrasal Verbs - Take 2
- English Quiz: Phrasal Verbs - Look
- Verb 'To Look' - Phrasal Verb Quiz