📜 READING PICKS – Articles, blog posts, quizzes and more:
Article from Mind Tools: 10 Common Time Management Mistakes
Avoiding Common Pitfalls - How well do you manage your time? If you're like many people, your answer may not be completely positive! Perhaps you feel overloaded, and you often have to work late to hit your deadlines. Or maybe your days seem to go from one crisis to another, and this is stressful and demoralizing. (Continue reading)
Avoiding Common Pitfalls - How well do you manage your time? If you're like many people, your answer may not be completely positive! Perhaps you feel overloaded, and you often have to work late to hit your deadlines. Or maybe your days seem to go from one crisis to another, and this is stressful and demoralizing. (Continue reading)
❓ QUIZ from Mind Tools ⇒ How Good Is Your Time Management?
Discover Time Management Tools That can Help you Excel
Discover Time Management Tools That can Help you Excel
Article from BBC CULTURE: The writers who defied Soviet censors
Underground publishers in the USSR broke rules in ingenious
ways – such as hiding books in fake binding and making records on X-ray film,
writes Benjamin Ramm.
In anticipation of the
poet’s arrest, his creations were concealed by inventive means – sewn into the
insides of cushions and shoes, or hidden in mattresses and saucepans. The
police confiscated most of his papers, but others were smuggled out, or hidden
surreptitiously in obscure locations. The most important poems were inscribed
where even the wiliest investigator could not find them – in the memory of a
devoted reader, who would pass them on. (Continue reading)
🎬 VIDEO PICKS – Short and fun videos:
- Why Do We Blush? (1:46 minutes)
- Why Do We Get Nervous? (2:28 minutes)
- How Much Sleep Do You Actually Need? (3:23 minutes)
- The Science of Heartbreak (2:48 minutes)
- Introverts vs. Extroverts (4:17 minutes)
- Amazing Facts to Blow Your Mind Pt. 1 (2:08 minutes)
- Vocabulary - LIVE, LIFE, ALIVE, LIVING (7:53 minutes)
- Learn Vocabulary - look, look like, look alike, look as if... (6:43 minutes)
- English Grammar - comparing with LIKE & AS (9 minutes)
- The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery ► Animated Book Summary (5:35 minutes)
- ALL or WHOLE? (9:23 minutes.)
- How to increase your vocabulary (It only takes 13:29 minutes!)
- Verb + Adverb Games (1) ⇒ Which adverb best goes with which verb? (When you finish, click on “Next Game” and get a full new set of pairs! There are 10 games.)
- Verb + Adverb Games (2) ⇒ Which adverb best goes with which verb? (When you finish, click on “Next Game” and get a full new set of pairs! There are 10 games.)
- Sustainable development
- Bed / Home / Work / Town Exercise 1
- Feelings and Emotions
- Comparative and Superlative Quiz with Adverbs
- Question tags – Exercise 3
- Questions in Passive – Word order – Click Exercise 1 – MIX
- Questions in Passive – Word order – Click Exercise 2 – MIX
- Mixed Past Tenses Games 1-10 – Practise talking about time with past tense forms. These games practise 4 past tense forms from Past Simple to Past Perfect Continuous.