This is a weekly selection of reading articles, free online exercises, YouTube videos, games, quizzes and resources for you to further improve your English language skills while having fun – ENJOY!
📜READING PICKS – Articles, blog posts, quizzes and more:
From BBC SPORTS: Everyday exercise: How to work out at home (without equipment) Cardio (or cardiovascular) exercise is movement that gets your heart rate up and increase blood circulation throughout the body.
Whether you
are looking to improve the condition of your heart (remember it's a muscle),
lose weight, clear your mind or just generally improve your health, cardio
exercise will help you.
The NHS has
a 10-minute home cardio workout to get you started until you are ready to move
for longer.
Walking is a great way to
get more active and you can literally do it anywhere, and in any way that suits you. If you are ready to take on the next step,
the Couch to 5K
programme can take you from walking to running or jogging for 30 minutes
confidently within nine weeks. (Continue reading)
From OXFORD Living Dictionaries: Top tips for better business writing. This guide will show you the things to look out for when
writing for business, to make sure you're always clear, and that you always
leave a good impression.
All good writing communicates with readers in a personal way.
Good business
writing, whether it is a report written for an employer or an email to a
client, does that quickly and effectively. You do not need to use overly formal
language; it is better to use a neutral style
that is akin to conversation, but rather more organized.
all, present your information logically and helpfully, so that readers are in
no doubt what your message is—and what, if anything, you want them to do in
response. (Continue reading)🎬 VIDEO PICKS – Short and fun videos:
BBC English Class: How to learn and use phrasal verbs (2:32 minutes)
- Why We May Be Angry Rather Than Sad (4:25 minutes)
- British and American terms: road travel (1:22 minutes)
- We Say - You Say: Don't judge a book by its cover (2:20 minutes)
- Oktoberfest - What to Know Before You Go to Oktoberfest (4:08 minutes)
- Which Came First – The Chicken or the Egg? (3:30 minutes)
- Announcing your decision - 62 - English at Work gives you the words (2:42 minutes)
How to Argue – Philosophical Reasoning: Crash Course Philosophy #2 (9:42 minutes)
- The genius of Marie Curie – Shohini Ghose (5:03 minutes)
- Complaining – 26 – English at Work tells you how to complain (5:39 minutes)
- News Review: Online abuse 'the same as face-to-face' (8:18 minutes)
- At the Airport: Getting Through US Customs (9:28 minutes)
- How to ask for directions and how to give directions (6:15 minutes)
- Top 10 OLDEST CITIES in the WORLD (8:31 minutes)
- How aspirin was discovered – Krishna Sudhir (5:44 minutes)
What to Eat in Normandy, France - Visit Normandy (10:30 minutes)
- How to Describe a Person in English - Spoken English Lesson (20:14 minutes)
- How to increase your vocabulary (13:29 minutes)
- Top 10 Argument Techniques That Ruin Arguments For Everyone (10:47 minutes)
Everyday or every day? (5:18 minutes)
- Quiz: Say & Tell (Brief explanation: SAY or TELL? From Cambridge Grammar Today)
- Commonly confused words in English 3
- Quiz: Singular or Plural?
- Hotels (Game about different things associated with a hotel)
- Hotel Dialogues (Dialogues between a hotel reception and a guest)
- Languages (What language do they speak in ...?)
- Text Completion Exercise 2 (DRAG & DROP exercise)
- Text Completion Exercise 6 (DRAG & DROP exercise)
- Text Completion Exercise 12 (DRAG & DROP exercise)
💡 GRAMMAR PICKS – Assorted exercises and games:
- T095 - Present Tense - Simple or Progressive
- T080 - Present Tense - Simple or Progressive
- T075 - Present Tense - Simple or Progressive
- Articles with idioms 5
- Adjectives + prepositions 4
- Quiz: Comparatives and Superlatives
- Quiz: Comparatives
- Quiz: Phrasal Verbs - Get
- Quiz: Interesting & Interested, etc
- Quiz: Another, Other & Others