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This post offers you a selection of recommended free online exercises, games, videos and resources so that you can improve your English language skills while having fun! ENJOY!

📜 READING PICKS – Articles, blog posts, quizzes and more:

Article from Mind Tools: 10 Common Time Management Mistakes
Avoiding Common Pitfalls - How well do you manage your time? If you're like many people, your answer may not be completely positive! Perhaps you feel overloaded, and you often have to work late to hit your deadlines. Or maybe your days seem to go from one crisis to another, and this is stressful and demoralizing. (Continue reading)

QUIZ from Mind Tools ⇒ How Good Is Your Time Management?
Discover Time Management Tools That can Help you Excel

Article from BBC CULTURE: The writers who defied Soviet censors 
Underground publishers in the USSR broke rules in ingenious ways – such as hiding books in fake binding and making records on X-ray film, writes Benjamin Ramm.
In anticipation of the poet’s arrest, his creations were concealed by inventive means – sewn into the insides of cushions and shoes, or hidden in mattresses and saucepans. The police confiscated most of his papers, but others were smuggled out, or hidden surreptitiously in obscure locations. The most important poems were inscribed where even the wiliest investigator could not find them – in the memory of a devoted reader, who would pass them on.  (Continue reading)

🎬 VIDEO PICKS – Short and fun videos:

💡 GRAMMAR PICKS – Assorted exercises and games:


WTF is slow fashion? by Hilary Milnes + 2 VIDEOS

The problems raised by fast fashion go deep.

The industry — embodied by giant retailers like H&M, Forever 21, Zara and Uniqlo that crank out cheap, disposable garments — is beset with problems stemming from pollution to waste to unsafe working conditions. Fashion Revolution Day, happening this Friday, April 24, is an annual day of awareness to memorialize the 2013 collapse of a clothing factory in Bangladesh that killed over 1,100 workers and injured 2,400 more. Sixty-five countries will participate, asking consumers to tag the brands they wear and ask #WhoMadeMyClothes on social media.

Fashion Revolution Day will hype “slow fashion” as the antidote to the ethical and environmental havoc wreaked by the fast-fashion industry. The slow fashion movement has been taking shape since designer Kate Fletcher coined the term in 2008, but it’s still not at the front of many consumers’ minds.

HERE's what slow fashion is and why it’s on the rise with conscious shoppers.


This post offers you a selection of recommended free online exercises, games, videos and resources so that you can improve your English language skills while having fun! ENJOY!

📜 READING PICKS – Articles, blog posts, quizzes and more:

Article from BBC CAPITAL: The science of being charmingby Tiffanie Wen
From the first moment you walk into a room people are making judgements about how much they like you. Fortunately, there are ways to improve your chances.
Charmers. What makes these lucky individuals so effortlessly likeable when many of us have to work so hard at it? While many would have you believe social grace or winning people over is something of an artform, there is a surprising amount of science behind it, too. (Continue reading)

Article from BBC TRAVEL: We may have cracked the mystery of Stonehenge, by Vivien Cumming
The more archaeologists study Stonehenge, the more mysteries unfold. But a coherent story is beginning to emerge. (Continue reading)

🎬 VIDEO PICKS – Short and fun videos:

💡 GRAMMAR PICKS – Assorted exercises and games:


Can you train yourself to be a risk-taker? by Vivian Giang (from BBC CAPITAL)

Business leaders say taking risks is an essential part of getting ahead in today's world. If that's not your style, how can you become more comfortable with leaping into the unknown?

It took Binta Niambi Brown several years to walk away in 2013 from the comfortable life she had built for herself as a corporate lawyer. She was going to start her own business, in a tough market that was already flooded. (Continue reading)

The Leadership Motivation Assessment (from Mind Tools)

The first and most basic prerequisite for leadership is the desire to lead.

After all, it takes hard work to become an effective leader and, if you are not prepared to put this work in or if, deep down, you're not sure whether you really want to lead, you'll struggle to convince people that you are worth following.

Leaders create the vision and set the direction for their organizations. But it is their ability to motivate and inspire people that allows them to deliver that vision.

So, how much do you want to lead? This quiz will help you find out.

💡 You may also be interested in the quizzes below: 

FREE PERSONALITY TEST: Which personality type are you?

“Often the first question people ask after completing our personality test is “What do these letters mean?” We are of course referring to those mysterious acronyms like INTJ-A, ENFP-T, or ESTJ-A. As you may have already read in the free Type Descriptions or additional articles available on our website, each letter refers to a specific trait, with an additional variant listed at the end. But before we discuss those traits, let’s first take a brief historical detour.

Since the dawn of time, we have tried to describe and categorize ourselves in many ways. From the four temperaments of the Ancient civilizations – sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic – to the latest advances in psychology, people have been restless in their pursuit of a good, reliable way to fit something as complex and fluid as human personality into a well-defined model. We are still some time away from being able to do that, although the current models account for the majority of our personality traits and can often predict with a high degree of confidence how we are likely to behave in specific circumstances… (More information HERE)

💡 You may also be interested in the quizzes below:


This post offers you a selection of recommended free online exercises, games, videos and resources so that you can improve your English language skills while having fun! ENJOY!

📜READING PICKS – Articles, blog posts, quizzes and more:

Article from BBC news: How it feels to have many personalities
Severe trauma can cause a unique kind of mental breakdown - dissociative identity disorder (DID), which creates multiple personalities. What is it like trying to live with this condition? (Continue reading)

Article from Mind Tools: Active Listening: Hear What People are Really Saying
Listening is one of the most important skills you can have. How well you listen has a major impact on the quality of your relationships with others.

🎬 VIDEO PICKS – Short and fun videos:

💬 VOCABULARY PICKS – Confusing words:
💡 GRAMMAR PICKS – Assorted exercises and games:



¿Qué es un mid-position adverb?

Es un adverbio que se coloca en medio en una clause.

💡 ¿Qué es un adverbio?
Es una palabra o frase que describe un verbo (nos dice cómo, dónde, cuándo, por qué, etc. se realiza la acción del verbo). Los adverbios también describen adjetivos y otros adverbios, pero en este post nos concentraremos en los que describen verbos.

Los adverbios se pueden colocar en 3 posiciones:

FRONT POSITION ⇒ Unfortunately, I can't help you.
MID-POSITION ⇒ I always get up at 7 a.m.
END POSITION ⇒ Have you read that report yet?

💡 TIP: Según el tipo de adverbio, puede colocarse en una u otra posición. Algunos pueden colocarse en distintas posiciones para dar énfasis, hacer contraste o evitar ambigüedad.

¿Qué adverbios se colocan en mid-position?

Los adverbs of frequency (always, sometimes, usually, often, seldom, rarely, hardly ever, never, etc.) y otros como really, quite, probably, possibly, certainly, also, only, just, already, etc.

¿Cómo se colocan los mid-position adverbs en la clause?

Entre el sujeto y el verbo, y es muy sencillo ⇒ hay solo 3 posibilidades: 

→ I always get up at 7 a.m.

→ Peter is always late.

🔺 EMPHASIS ⇒ Cuando el adverbio es enfático, se puede colocar ANTES de “to be”: Why should Peter be early today? He never is early for anything. (La entonación también cambia para marcar el énfasis.)

3) VERB PHRASE: if the verb contains auxiliaries and/or modals, the adverb comes AFTER THE FIRST auxiliary or modal (si el verbo tiene auxiliares o modales, el adverbio se coloca DESPUÉS de la primera palabra):
→ SUBJECT + 1st aux./modal + ADVERB + MAIN VERB
→ You should never have told anyone my secret.

En las preguntas, el adverbio se coloca DESPUÉS del sujeto:
Do you usually work at weekends?
Have you already finished your exam? (surprised)

🔺 IMPORTANTE: En inglés, NO poner el adverbio entre verbo y objeto:

En español podemos decir:
Me gusta mucho el chocolate.

Mary habla muy bien inglés.
En inglés:
❌ I like a lot chocolate.
      [verb + adverb + object]

 I like chocolate a lot.
      [verb + object] + adverb

❌ Mary speaks very well English.                 [verb + adverb + object]

 Mary speaks English very well.                 [verb + object] + adverb

From BBC 6 Minute Grammar - Adverb Position 1

From BBC 6 Minute Grammar - Adverb Position 2

🔗 Recommended links:

How Good Are Your Communication Skills? (from Mind Tools)

Communication skills are some of the most important skills that you need to succeed in the workplace.

If you want to be an expert communicator, you need to be effective at all points in the communication process – from "sender" through to "receiver" – and you must be comfortable with the different channels of communication – face to face, voice to voice, written, and so on. Poor communicators usually struggle to develop their careers beyond a certain point.

So, are you communicating effectively? Take this short quiz to find out!

💡 You may also be interested in the quizzes below:

The secrets of learning as an adult, by David Robson (from BBC Future)

It’s never too late to learn – if you go about it in the right way.

If you ever fear that you are already too old to learn a new skill, remember Priscilla Sitienei, a midwife from Ndalat in rural Kenya. Having grown up without free primary school education, she had never learnt to read or write. As she approached her twilight years, however, she wanted to note down her experiences and knowledge to pass down to the next generation. And so, she started to attend lessons at the local school – along with six of her great-great-grandchildren. She was 90 at the time.

We are often told that “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” – that the grizzled adult brain simply can’t absorb as much information as an impressionable young child’s. Many people would assume that you simply couldn’t pick up a complex skill like reading or writing, at the age of 90, after a lifetime of being illiterate.

The latest studies from psychology and neuroscience show that these extraordinary achievements need not be the exception. (Continue reading)


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